Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Writing Process

The writing process for me is something that changes as often as the weather. One day it can be easy and free flowing onto the page and the next I will be completely at a stand still and feel like everything I write is forced and not coming out naturally. For me, writing is usually something that tends to eat up time. I will sit down to write and before I know it all of my time is gone and so is most of my paper. I can write in almost any environment but usually it will affect my end result. If I am writing in a busy, noisy, crowded room, my writing will most often be very jumbled and have no steady flow or rhythm. I try to isolate myself when I write so it is just me and my computer doing the work although it never usually ends up like that. Another important aspect of the writing process for me is the snack food that is accompanying me. I usually like to have a large glass of water on a towel, so the water doesn't sweat onto any of papers of course, and a small assortment of decadent delights. I prefer to have some junior mints and maybe a pop-tart to add some substance to the snacking. If I ever encounter a writer's black, I have a few go to steps for how to end these small plights before they become serious. First I always refill my water glass and restock on snacks. If that doesn't do the trick then I will go on Facebook, sounds kind of anti-productive but it works for me. And lastly I will take a shower. Taking a shower has always helped me relax and this is no different. If after my shower, I still can't write then I put it up and come back to it at another time.

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