Thursday, July 14, 2011

Does it Suck?

  • Elephants suck. They are big, clumsy, and do very little with their daily lives and I forgot exactly which political party this pertains too so it sucks that I can't remember that.
  • Mr. Obama doesn't suck. Mr. Obama was given some unideal circumstances to work with as a president and although we all may not agree with him, he has done a decent job.
  • Harry Potter doesn't suck. He is my boy and I love these movies because what isn't cool about being able to do all of that "magical" stuff.
  • Mac doesn't suck. I just recently got a Mac and it is much faster and has many more features and shortcuts to make a more user friendly PC.
  • Star Wars doesn't suck. Star Wars is one of the greatest movie sets of all time and like Harry Potter, all of the "magical" stuff is awesome.
  • Facebook doesn't suck. Facebook is  great social network for staying in touch and sharing media such as pictures and movies.
  • McDonalds sucks. The food they cook there is horrible in so many different ways, ranging from bad tasting to bad for you.
  • Clemson doesn't suck. Clemson is a great school and so far I love going here because of the great family atmosphere.
  • Lady Gaga sucks. Her music is horrible and she is nothing but the next teenage girl fad that will phase out in 18-24 months.
  • Justin Bieber sucks. He is worse than Lady Gaga in that he won't last another 18-24 months and people will forget about him before that.
  • Sudoku doesn't suck. They are a great easy way to pass time in an airport or in a boring class.
  • Avatar doesn't suck. The visual effects in that movie and how spot on the computer animation was brought us seamlessly into an imaginary world.
  • Xbox doesn't suck. Playing video games is a great way to kill time at night with some friends although you need to do your work first.
  • American Idol sucks. Why should their be a show about being trying to become a singer when we already have thousands that we know are good at singing?
  • Glee sucks. I have never watched this show but the concept of a musical on television seems to waste the whole idea behind television.
  • Cigarettes suck. They are extremely unattractive and once you get stuck on them it is very hard to fight your way off.
  • Guns don't suck. I make this statement because there is a place in the world for weapons, we just need to be more responsible with them.
  • Abortion doesn't suck. Abortion is a personal choice although it should come with specific circumstances and not be a public practice.
  • This interestingly dressed dog doesn't suck. I actually find this picture kind of humorous, almost abiding with incongruity theory discussed today.

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