Monday, July 18, 2011


Sex sells and it always will. Everywhere in the world and in everyday life sex sells. From old spice ads to clothes to cars. Mainstream media is drowned in beautiful women and sexual entices. Every day people see ads on tv or in stores where sexual appeal is the only driving force and the most amazing thing is that they work. We see a beautiful woman and associate what she is wearing or doing with beauty. The Old Spice man has nothing to do with Old Spice except he is the stereotypical perfect male appearance and Old SPic slaps their name on top and now Old Spice is associated with perfect men. When we see shoe commercials on tv, the advertisement is more focused on the beautiful people than the actual shoe product. What would advertising be without sex? How would a company react if they were told to market their product using the product's features? Can it be done or is advertising simply manipulating the viewer into associating two normally separate things to create a false connection.

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